Wednesday, November 5, 2014


VIDEO (recommended)


Canary Islands: Today, a brilliant and extremely hot and stingy sun on a blue, very slightly misty sky. Very unusual, because it is November.

After a deep and rather full  morning, I lay on my bed in the afternoon, tired, wanting to sleep.
I fall in a kind of lucid dreaming.

A sudden energetic push, tangibly felt in my back in the heart region, catapults me into another dimension. It did literally a “push”, and I was suddenly somewhere else. In an altered state of consciousness. New rooms of consciousness are opening. The body is involved. The body is flooded with currents of light and new information. As the frequency changes, also the quality of consciousness changes. It is like being pushed into the next higher dimension. There I do not notice “things”, just another form of beingness, currents of new energies and substance.

I have still a body, although it is pure energy. But everything  is different. The old Matrix is not there. There is full heart-freedom in new and refreshing chambers of beingness, and a new higher and deeper octave of experience and expansion as a physical being.

I also know that is is not a personal experience merely, based on just my individual state of spiritual development. These individual spiritual experiences have been so far of a completely different nature. They have nothing to do with the body in itself, although light and energy might be rushing through it which often expands in exquisite sublimity. So I know the difference. Because this here has to do with substance. It has to do with transformation of matter (the body)and the consciousness of it!

So what I experienced and in which I participated, is given to all humanity at this moment. I just know it. It is the new frequency that is here, causing a global shift in consciousness in which the body is involved. And I just was tuning into  this new reality that is happening right now on Beloved Earth Mother Gaia for all.

As I continued in this kind of lucid dreaming (and it is a dream world, the new world)  the desire arises to remain there and not to return to the old world of limitations. I felt ready just to leave, but with my body.

Then I fall deeply asleep. After awakening: there is still the old world. But things seem to happen differently. It is all the same like it was before. But my awareness is different. Now the mysterious space between things is full and obvious, rather predominant. It is Stillness.  Things are secondary and happen within this space randomly -  a phone call, noises, things in the room - they all arise independently within this space that is recognized as real Reality. Nothing complicated, all appears  very simple and natural. It is simply so. There is clarity that the things which are arising – and they are seeming just to pop up in this unified space – are not coherent, but the space is. Basically the things have nothing to do with each other. They only have in common that they arise in this silent space, this substance of which they are a modification of.

Now I understand that the “matrix” we have been locked in for hundertthousands of years, suggests the coherence of all the things. Hence we feel imprisoned, prisoners of things, whereas we are in truth free, as we ARE this space in the first place. It is the infinite Source Field that is our own Consciousness.

The “matrix” is the illusion that we are locked in,  in a closed universe made of things. They seem to build together a prisonlike fabric. And it is all made of mind and the energetic grid of this mind pattern. It is an artifical world. A complicated world, while this from the grid released experience is free to infinity, as things don’t contain us, don’t imprison us. We just observe them as they arise, and they have nothing to do with us. We are eternally free and expanded in unison with the space of primordial substance in which the  things arise.

So I seem to understand now that we will perhaps continue in this matrix world – as long as it still can exist, as the overwhelming majority of mankind is still bound by it through firm belief.

But we, who are aware, are already being released from the bondage to it. The universal new frequencies have already set humanity free. And it is up to each single one to accept in due course - and to tune in to - this new Conscious Awareness.

From this new point of view the old world continues as it will by the choice of the people. We can see what they continue to believe and to do. But they cannot see us, as we ARE, they cannot see what we see.

But we are needed, we are the forerunners of a new consciousness on earth and we are already living in the higher and altered frequencies that carry the new awareness. We are each a cell in the Great One Body of Humanity who  started to alter It.  As such we are initiating a process of substantial change for all the cells, who are the human individuals in the Great Human Body.

How long this process takes, until the last human cell in this vast Human Body is transformed, I don’t know. But it has begun, and this is the most important Happy News we are waiting for.

It would be great to hear from all of you, my beloved brothers and sisters, worldwide, who have now similar experiences! It would  inspire those who started to resignate and to doubt  that the Great Change would ever happen!  And so it would speed up the revolution in consciousness for all humanity! Thank you!

Much love and many blessings!
In lak’ech!


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Friday, October 31, 2014



 “I AM functioning now as an emormous transformation station. 

I have opened Myself immensely -  in agreement with the creator gods or Elohim of the Great Central Sun -  to the influx of major cosmic  currents of light and information. This powerful light is now pouring through Me to all the planets in My sphere.  

The time has come now where all beings in this solar system must make a decision whether to open up to the light and to be thereby transformed by it - or to remain in their familiar frequency.

The more resistance there is and the denser the vibration, the more difficult the process of transformation will be for the individual. This correlation is not new to your understanding, but this time it is  becoming a much more challenging process than ever before. 

Although many of you have worked already intensly on your spiritual transformation, this time you might be confronted increasingly with some unexpected problems. This will be even more felt by thosE  who entered the process of purification and transformation after you, especially when they don't fully understand the deeper cause yet. To a great degree it is their still  fully carbon based physical structure and the mind set that comes with it, which  is resisting the massive currents of light, flooding your planet now.

Even you, who's DNA have been awakened  and who's physical structure is already in the process of becoming  crystalline, may have to experience unpleasant physical symptoms depending on your state of developmental transmutation.

For all of you it is important to focus on the intent to keep your vibration as high as possible. So be very vigilant to use your mind wisely! Whatever density in your body-mind system is addressed by the influx of the high vibrations of the new  powerful light codes - acknowledge it, feel it thoroughly and let it be melted away by the currents of light.

Always, always be aware that you ARE a free spirit and by your Inherent Divine nature free of any limitations. In this understanding densities are just areas to work with, as you would work with earth in a garden that you want to prepare to grow food. You would not personally identify with stones you remove in this process or with chunks of  hard clay.

There is no way to prevent the ever more increasing frequencies of light and love to be anchored on your Beloved Earth Mother, because She is ready to ascend. Naturally these frequencies will break in due course all the hardened structures She carries patiently and that  have  not been able to open up to them and to flow with them.

This relates not only to living organisms but also to all manmade creations of the old world. All must be made new and allow joyfully to be transformed by the greater Light and Divine Information, to support a creation that is aligned to greater Divine Consciousness.

The time has arrived where I have made Myself available as never before to serve the Great Process of substantial transformation and Deification of this universe, to accelerate the return of all beings to their Divinity. Likewise each one of you must be prepared to surrender to this process to the fullest degree if you have chosen the Divine Path. It is a profound matter that requires the full participation of all your faculties, your conscious awareness and your soul.

Please understand that the signs of this transformation are not seen immediately in your external world. But they are felt individually first in your innermost heart and recognized in your consciousness that is  dedicated to the process. Hightened awareness leads to refined and intensified perception of new realms of consciousness which in turn enables you to perceive your world in a new light and motivates you to act in different ways than you have  done ever before. 

This new conscious awareness is the basis for the creation of your new world. It cannot happen otherwise. It is all interconnected and interwoven and inseparable from one another.

So it is a process from inside out. First your consciousness must change profoundly, or rather radically, which enables you to naturally change your outer world. The new creation is an emanation of the new frequencies which you first must have fully integrated, on the vibrational level and on the level of consciousness, as they are both complimentarities of  the new Divine State.
As you can comprehend now, the new creation does not happen without your direct and immediate participation. Because it is you, each single one of you, who is the creator of your own world and experience. The means of intensified light and vibration are Divinely given, yes, but it is you who must use them. If you do not use them there will be not a new creation. 

You are therefore called to use responsibly your Divinely given creative power! This is what it is about! It is YOUR new world, which mirrors your activity as Creators.

With it goes the indispensable necessity to unite with your fellow humans to bring forth your New World, to recognize the prior unity you all share. Only together, by uniting your ego-less light and energies, - and never as a single individual – you are able to create your New Divine World.

 Individually you are contributing to the whole, but as a  separate being you cannot create the whole, that is a fluent fabric, that must be created and supported by the unity of many, with a heart of love and appreciation for one another, in surrender to the Divine and in adoration of It.
To be able to participate as such in a Divinely collective creation, you as an individual must have overcome negative reactions to others and you must be able to always live with an open heart, connecting with all from the field of prior unity.  This allows for the high frequency  in which the New Creation can happen. It  can not happen while you still hold on to the old frequencies. You must be  completely free of them.

Therefore understand that the signs and appearance of your New World correlates exactly to your own state of purification, transformation and transcendence of the little “self”. 

You are One Humanity that at this point plays out and brings into  visibility  all the so far hidden contents of the collective subconsciousness, which you ALL share. Therefore all must come to the open to be purified, to be healed, and to be replaced with the love of your heart. With self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others. 

This is the glorious ordeal humanity is going through now, because YOU have decided to do so. You all have done so at your soul level  with great love and great surrender to the One Light and Consciousness Who Is God. 

Therefore do not struggle with the powers that bring you unhappiness, but understand that unconscious unhappiness is just made conscious so that you can let go of it to return to Prior Happiness. This is indeed a Great Divine Process. And if you surrendert to It, with joy in the depth of your heart, the Victory is yours.

Open your heart like I have opened Myself to be a conduit for the Great Forces of Light to pour onto your Earth Mother, and which now  surround and pervade you.

Each of My enormous eruptions and flares  are reaching out to embrace and to liberate you from the bondage of darker times, inasmuch as you allow it.
We are all one great orchestra to intonate the Glory of  Divine Love and Bliss. There is Only One Divine Consciousness That Encompasses All.

I AM the Sun of your Universe!”

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Monday, October 27, 2014



What are you waiting for? 
Don't you know that I AM always Present, Unchanging, in the midst of constant change?

Change is the inherent nature of duality and happens in your mind. It is you who wanted to experience change, to know both sides of the coin, light and dark, and - as you call it - good and bad. 

For Me Who Is Beyond of it all, it is a mere play. But for most of you who have chosen to live apart from Me, these opposites are experienced as serious realities, evoking pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.

I AM your God-Self, your True Nature and Reality. For Me ascension is just part of the endless happenings in My Domain, but which do not touch Me, which do not change Me, because I AM beyond change, and so your own True Nature is. 

Is it not, that you even do not need to wait for a new world or higher density, to be truly Happy? Because you can BE again the Consciousness you ARE, and always will BE, to observe the constant currents of the eons as Me, untouched forever in Your indestructible Bliss. 

Don't you know Me? When the worlds seem to stand still and are being Breathed by Me, when there Is no separation in your mind, when there is only Feeling to Infinity and Knowingness, don't you know that in that Very Moment there Is Only Me, your True Self, recognized?

But then you forget. And you cling deep to the ups and downs of happenings.  

Presently you all are waiting for the up, the event of ascension. But who is waiting? Will you in your experience of separateness hope for better times than they are now? 
Don't you know that I AM ALWAYS Perfect right now, when time is not, when mind ceases to be and I Arise as the One Whom you always have Known? 

While you allow Me to Be Who Is You, as Divine Consciousness, as the One Who Is Love and Who Is Bliss Always, you do not seek for betterment, you do not seek ascension. You do not seek for a "better" world or God, because then you know that there Is Only One God, One Divine Consciousness, One Light of lights, in Which the notion of light and dark arise, of "good and evil", of your personal "likes and dislikes". 

To be aware of Heaven on Earth is always possible when you remember Me, your True Nature and Identity. There Is Only Me when you remember Me, and when you release the dead end of your identification with the body-mind, Beloveds! 

Do not forget that you ARE not embodiment. You have chosen embodiment to experience duality. The body is not the experiencer, nor the senses are. I AM. Whether your experience is of this dimension or any other dimension. It Is Always Me Who Lives Alone and Single. I AM all of That. IS ME. 

When you dream the separate one, that one is not Me. But still I AM you even when you imagine a life apart from Me. 

When will you be wise, to live the world as My Fullness, now. It can be done whether ascension arrives or not. All is a matter of Divine Consciousness Only, prior to the perception of the brain. Live As Me and the world changes, right now, to balance and dignity. To Fullness and Truth in which all other dimensions and experiences appear.

Why do you still deny your Divine Throne? Why seek for the lesser things! Why not allow Me Alone to Guide your Happiness?
Why don't you desire to Be Who You Are in Reality!

I Bless all your adventures, because I AM You! You Are All Beloveds of Mine! Calling your Happiness Eternally!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Saturday, October 25, 2014


Aries Fullmoon in October 2014 on the Canary Islands, by Ute Posegga-Rudel


finally I was able to access my blog account again! Login was not possible for whatever reasons for quite some time. So this is a great relieve paired with gratefulness!
Still I have no internet yet. I am writing from my mobile phone, but which creates some technical problems. E.g. the image is disappearing again and again and it does not paragraphs, etc..
But I wanted to let you all now that I still exist and that I am well :), eagerly waiting for having internet back in my life. (I thought I never would survive without it :):):))
This requires some major financial investment however - hence the long waiting time. (generous donations are very welcome!:) Although the world doesn't seem to change or even appears to get worse, there is an incredible download of Divine Light going on so that it feels to me that we are already in the heaven of a higher dimension.
It depends on what we allow us to touch, what we focus on and what we meditate on. Each one of us who turns to this Divine Power so present here on and with Beloved Earth Mother is inviting and creating already the Golden Age!
I just wanted to remind you of this, to affirm this truth and inspire you, my dear friends, in case you joined the doubt mind of those who feel hopeless.
But we have every  reason to be and live JOY. I am sure your heart knows LOVE. But live it as joy. Now. Because it is that Fullness that is being poured down on us.
While I am sitting outside in the late dawn after sunset there is powerful silence and you can hear the heartbeat of Divine Presence, One with us.
Just listen, Beautiful Soul, wherever you are and whenever you have the opportunity.
Much much love and all the blessings you desire!

 ---------------------- - copyright 2014, Ute Posegga-Rudel

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


My dear friends,

after many weeks of preparation and packing I safely arrived on the Canary Islands. Now I am slowly adapting to my new exiting life-circumstance! 

Things are progressing slowly on all levels and I have basically no access to the internet - yet! It seems moving again is required, but I only just arrived!
So I am just leaving you for now with this short notice to let you know that everything is beautiful and evolving! 

But here things take time, probably more than in so called "western countries". Although the islands belong to Spain, they have their own very characteristic rhythm and pattern - certainly a pattern that loves life and knows how to enjoy simple things! Great! 

On the other hand "functioning technology" seem to be a rather foreign affair here - which is good, but makes things quite complicated :):) In some sense we have only little organization like in 3th world countries. 

Also it seems that youtube/Google meanwhile made again major changes, meaning I have no longer access to my own RadiantlyHappy youtube account!!!

In my understanding it is now only possible to create a brand new account with my personal name! (But if there is still a way to access my old account, and you know how, please, please help!! Thank you so much!)

Much work is waiting for us and we are still a small group of happy people. 

Much love for now, my friends, and many blessings!


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
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Sunday, June 1, 2014


My dear friends,

there is an interesting pattern in my life that constantly repeats itself. It is a pattern that big and exciting changes happen very quickly and suddenly for me, without much notice in advance.

This time it is about leaving Australia and returning to Europe, to live on the Canary Islands!

And now I have a little less than 6 weeks left to prepare for this major move. And this is a really big jump for me :)

On the Canary Island my ancient Lemurian family is waiting for me (of which one is my beautiful daughter!) and there we have the intention to create heaven on earth to shine for all humanity.

During this time of preparation and move I will probably not have much time and attention to  stay in contact with you via this blog. But who knows! Perhaps I can manage short messages meanwhile. But this is not a promise. 

So please be patient with me until mid/end of July.

Thank you!
Much love and Many Blessings!!


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Sunday, May 25, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
VIDEO (recommended!)


This is about what it takes for humanity to transition into the new Golden Light Body. Intense Golden Light is presently released onto our planet.  I woke up one morning and the transition into the new Golden Lightbody was accomplished – or: the new Golden Lightbody has been created.

Although I had no explanation for it, I knew that something profound had happened, my whole body was radiantly sparkling and very light. It was in spotless Divine Harmony of a supreme beautiful energy and exquisite  transparency. No imbalance, no density.

On that evening a friend said: Your energy is totally golden, you radiate Golden Light, it comes even through your voice …
Only then I knew what really had happened.

Recently I have been graced with frequent blessings and conversations with Archangel Michael who commented:

“I AM the messenger of the Sun and thereby of the Great Central Sun. I oversee the process of the Golden Light Body. I am here to serve by drawing humanity out of the darkness into this extreme Golden Light. The light of Recognition, the Light of Spiritual Origin.
Many know images that describe Me fighting with the dragon, you see that is exactly what I do. Serving the worlds that are drowned in the madness of separation and falseness.

Yes, this is a sick world, a false world. There is no Divinity in it. This artificially created world is not of Divine Origin. If you are used to it, it seems to be 'normal’, when you are used to the heaviness, to the deceit, to the lies and believe them. So when you are in this low vibration, it all appears normal to you.

Whether you know it or not, when you are in this world, you are always in shock. Your system is all the time in shock. That’s why human beings don’t have a long life, you see.

The process of humanity’s ascension is nothing but to awaken to their own Original Divine Creative Power that works from inside out, and dropping victim consciousness. As long as humanity is bound to victim consciousness there is no awakening. Any spiritual experience that is occurring while locked into the victim consciousness, is an illusion as it is not based on your Own Truth that you are a Divine Being.

Victim consciousness is based on the belief that the world is happening TO them, that they are nothing but the product of external events, external conditions, even such as genes, DNA, belief systems, and so on.

To be the victim means to exist in a dark world, and the light that is experienced in such a disposition is the secondary, illusionary light of the mind, not the Primordial Divine Light that is Love and Wholeness, the Light that is the Experience of Oneness and Perfection.

In your case you wanted  to understand the process humanity in general is going to experience in order to transition into the new Divine Consciousness. One can only teach in this world what one understands from the profundity of  one’s own experience.”

So according to this, from my “human point of view”, the transition to the New Divine World is often accompanied by the so called “dark night of the soul”. 

From the "point of view" of the new Golden World, the old world appears to be black! All lower emotions may start to feel unbearably painful. What appeared to be as “normal” in the old, familiar world, is now being perceived, as what it is from the Divine “Point of View”: horror, deep suffering. Pains, intolerable emotional and energetical states. Heaviness. Darkness. (Just remember the famous paintings of Hieronymus Bosch and some reports of Christian Saints)

The contrast to the light appears to be immense. It is about a radical turning around from downside to up. There seems to be no “harmonious transition”, there is either the New World of Golden Light, or the world of the dark abyss. 

But when you are still somewhat comfortable in the dark abyss, you can experience it even as light. This is a result of the illusion of the synthetically created light. This light is deceptive, it is the light of a mind that is separated from the human being that is Divinely Whole.

As this light is deceptive, many believe even, that they are in a kind of paradise. However it all happens while in victim consciousness. But as soon as the True Divine Light is being experienced, by taking responsibility for all your experiences, this illusion is being recognized and vanishes forever. Hence it is experienced as black.

Such a transformation involves processes that are not over in a moment, but follow the natural law of change. It requires patience. A sudden changeover happens however,  when there is no going back, because the darkness has consumed itself in your consciousness in due course of the process.

The difference between the two worlds is really indescribable.
In the New World there are no dangers, there is no heaviness, no suffering, no complication. It is Single, it is Whole. There is only Happiness, Love, Lightness, Unity. Radiance.

You don’t just imagine or feel it, you KNOW it when your new Golden Body is being created, because it is always your body that KNOWS.

Dear friends, listen to your body NOW and follow its revelations. What does it tell you now? What does it FEEL like? Do not listen longer to a separate mind, a mind that is severed from the wisdom of your Divine Wholeness. Breathe and allow that Wholeness to shine through your body to dissolve all densities, to transcend the synthetic world.

How do you survive in this density?

Ground yourself, ground yourself, ground yourself! 
Connect with the crystal in the Center of Earth Mother.
Draw the lightbody down into your feet.  (Vertical plane) 

Expand your heart space. 
Remember: we have three hearts; left, middle and right. (Horizontal plane)

Be safe!

Much Love and Many Blessings! 

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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